Model Glue

I've reversed my previous ideas on the Model Glue vs Mach II frameworks; I like Model Glue better. Its not because Mach II is "bad" in any way, but I was sold by the simplicity of Model Glue's config.xml set over that in Mach II, and the cleanness of the integration with Reactor and Coldspring... oh and scaffolding is the shizzle.



Seems some one beat me to the idea of a blog in Mach II.

Check it out here.


Risks of prototype.js

I've been doing some reading into using Adobe's Spry Framework (more about that later), and I've found that apparently prototype.js isn't quite as awesome as I had thought. Prototype works by extended the array and object prototypes to include new functionality, unfortunately this breaks some code (including Spry and Google's xpath.js library). While I've not gotten to look into the full ramifications of this, it sounds like prototype can cause headaches if you want to mix-in other code.


New Blog System

Given my frustrations with the BlogCFC setup, I'm endeavoring to create a system that will be a little easier to use to maintain multiple blogs. I'm building this system inside Mach II and will use Reactor for database interactions so I can get a handle on these systems. I've outlined some constraints and put together a kind of time-line.


Mach-II & Reactor

No, I've not started using these together, but I have delved into quite a few architectures / time saving ideas reacently, and these two have particularly stuck out at me as very useful systems.


ColdFusion Frameworks

I've been delving into the use of "frameworks" for development lately, specifically as applies to ColdFusion. My job currently is a little understaffed, so I'm looking into things that might provide more stable applications in a shorter development time. However it seems that the basic definition of framework changes when you move from platform to platform. In Javascript the Prototype framework (or others) include prebuilt, compatability tested code so you can easily leverage AJAX or other technology with low overhead. While I see that as the goal of many frameworks, it seems like there is a high overhead just to get things going, or that these crazy setups require like 5 different sets of Frameworks working together to work fully.

Any way, if any one gets to this post and has any comments on any of the following frameworks, please let me know.

ColdSpring Mach-II Fusebox Reactor Model Glue


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Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

Learn more about me on LinkedIn.