
I'll be heading to CFUnited on the 24th, and it looks to be an absolute blast. Its nerds talking about nerd stuff, whats not to love?


Adobe Spry

Over the weekend I finally sat down and got my hands dirty with Adobe's Spry Framework for Ajax, and I'm quite impressed. Although Spry and grown to encompass a lot of the flashy animation features common to the current batch of frameworks, Spry's roots are in a simple system for leveraging XML to create dynamic page displays, so thats where I started.


Safari for Windows

I'm not a Macs-are-perfect kind of person, but I've been playing with the Safari 3 Beta for Windows, and I have to say I like it a lot.

For those of you that don't know, Safari is Mac's browser, and if features cutting edge technology, just like FireFox 2 and Internet Explorer 7, but unlike them it feature's Mac's "branding". For Safari, that means the clear, "plastic" button renderings for form elements, and the clear and blue plastic looking scroll bars.

I've previously been of the mind that these features were kind of gimmicky, I mean making the buttons look different doesn't really make the system any better, just different. Besides that, as a designer, it means I loose control over what my buttons look like, at least to a certain extent... but after using S3, I'm hooked. I like the look of them.

Still not buying a Mac though.


Ext JS

Ext JS might just be the most amazing thing I've ever seen inside of a browser... Check out the "Learn" section and go to Demos... its amazing. This is what fuels the stock market info on


Model Glue App

The Pig Latin translator is down for a bit... I'm trying to test out scaffolding in Model Glue and I'm breaking mappings trying to get the dang thing to work. *sigh*


First Model Glue App

Ok, so I finished my first application in Model Glue: Pig Latin Translator.

Yes its the QuickStart example.

Yes its lame.

I'm still proud.


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Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

Learn more about me on LinkedIn.