Strange New World

As of yesterday, I'm now a Windows Presentation Foundation, desktop application developer by day. I've not given up on ColdFusion or anything like that, its just a simple matter of the economy: I can't move, and there aren't any ColdFusion jobs around where I live. The new position will train me in WPF, and also the underlying .NET framework, and those are skills that I can actually use around here.

I'll still be doing CF on the side, and hopefully moving back into a web based environment sometime soon, so I'm not going to stop posting on web topics. I just want to post some explanation for when the Adobe using ColdFusion guy starts making posts on .NET and Microsoft stuff.


New Hosting and New Job

Well, its been a little while since my last post, and I'm happy to say that things are going ok. I've lined up a 6 week contract gig that will buy me some time to find a permanent position, and I've also gotten new hosting squared away. In my last post a reader suggested Hostek for my hosting needs, and I'm happy to say that if you're reading this post, then you're doing so on their servers. The price is great, and although it took a little bit of work to get things up and running, the Hostek staff where very helpful and prompt to respond to my questions.

So, I'm still Looking For Job, but I've bought myself at least 6 weeks to do it :)



If you're not following my tweets, on Monday I joined the trendy new subculture know as "the unemployed". I've always had a note that I'm available for projects, but now I'm officially Looking for Job (LFJ). If you've got a project that could use an certified advanced CF developer with 3 years experiance, I'd love to hear about it :)

Additionally, my current predicament leaves me Looking For Hosting (LFH) for both this blog and my Father's photograph website. I had been receiving free hosting from my previous employer, but thats going to run out in really short order. If you have a recommendation for cheap hosting, I'd love to hear about that too.


Ruby on Rails is a Dead Language

Matt Gifford, (aka ColdFuMonkeh) twittered an article that has lead me to a startling conclusion: Ruby on Rails is a dead language! Read more to find out why.


Why No News?

Although I'm sure my list of loyal followers is small to non-existent, I do want to apologize for my silence over the last few weeks. Work has kept me coding 9 to 10 hours a day, so by the time I get home I'm not too interested in programming (if I even have time before I have to hit the sack). Once I get back in the groove I'll be working on the following topics:

  1. Transparent rounded corners for images - Yes, I think I know how to do it now
  2. BlogCFC Theming Updates - There are new versions of BlogCFC, and I want to try to see if Ray Camden is interested in incorperating theming into the core BlogCFC


Userability Podcast #2

I was lucky enough to get to be the guest a podcast with Jared M. Spool of and Robert Hoekman, author of Designing the Obvious and Designing the Moment. Userability is all about the world of design for the web, and Jared and Robert are experts in that field. Given that I've developed a strong passion for web design and usability, I put the question to them: How would I make the career jump towards design? Listen and find out why I now want to be an interaction designer.


More Entries

Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

Learn more about me on LinkedIn.