- November 29, 2008 5:30 AM
User Interface Design
I've talked about it before, but I find classic multi-selects in HTML to be really hard to use. You invariably have to end up putting some explanation text to let a user know how to select more then one, and its easy to clear your selections everything while trying to select an additional item. I put these ideas into practice in BlogCFC to help with category selection. I replaced the following code in admin/entry.cfm starting at line 391:
<cfif allCats.recordCount>
<select name="categories" multiple size=4 class="txtDropdown">
<cfloop query="allCats">
<option value="#categoryID#" <cfif isDefined("form.categories") and listFind(form.categories,categoryID)>selected</cfif>>#categoryName#</option>
With this code:
<cfif allCats.recordCount>
<ul class="multiselect">
<cfloop query="allCats">
<li><input id="cat_#categoryID#" type="checkbox" name="categories" value="#categoryID#"<cfif isDefined("form.categories") and listFind(form.categories,categoryID)> checked="checked"</cfif>/><label for="cat_#categoryID#">#categoryName#</label></li>
I also added the following code the admin style sheet ( /includes/admin.css ):
ul.multiselect {
height: 100px;
width: 225px;
border: 1px solid silver;
list-style-type: none;
padding-left: 3px;
overflow: auto;
ul.multiselect li label {
display: inline;
padding-left: 2px;
That makes it a lot easier to keep track of categories without messing something up.