jsFiddle: Cleaning Copy/Paste Input for ContentEditable

This is captured in an AngularJS directive, but the process could easily be bound with jQuery instead and follow the same steps. The basics here are to stop the default paste, read the paste data as plain text, and then to replace some risky characters (necessary for my exact use case).

As noted, this example has been built for and tested in Chrome only - I know for IE, you need to potentially handle a different getData() operation.


jsFiddle : Angularized Gauge Display

I kicked up my last example by converting the gauge into an Angular directive.


jsFiddle: ngList and ngPluralize AngularJS Example

These two directives individually are pretty awesome, but they also go together really well, at least for demonstrating features. ngList converts string lists into arrays, while ngPluralize converts arrays into different strings based on the item count in the list. Both are important to know.


jsFiddle Example: Mustache Directive for AngularJS

In the blog post Considering Speed and Slowness in AngularJS, the idea is put forward to use MustacheJS, wrapped in an AngularJS Directive to render dynamic content, but come away with no or minimal bindings. I liked the idea, but I found the application too specific; while I get the philosophy of making Directives specific usage, I also hate redundant tools and making a separate directive for each and every place I want to use a Mustache template seems terrible too.

The key detail to note in this example is that the first element wrapped by my directive is a div with a ng-non-bindable on it. That is necessary to keep AngularJS from trying to parse and bind your Mustache template code.


jsFiddle Example: Final Dynamic Form Example

Ok, so this is the final variation on this that I'm going to post, even though I know that there are more efficient ways to handle element creation in AngularJS than using the ngIf block I'm using here. I've update the previous examples so that we now have two types of rendering for form questions, and the values are still tied to the underlying options values.

Previous Examples:


jsFiddle Example: More Dynamic Form Templates

So this is the update to the earlier example, ditching the directive in favor of just simple Angular templating with ngOption and ngRepeat. The point here is to change both the UI and the object being acted upon in a very simple way: Use one dynamic data-set to control another dynamic data-set.

Previous Example:


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Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

Learn more about me on LinkedIn.