Custom Upload Paths in FCKEditor with ColdFusion
- February 6, 2009 12:45 PM
- ColdFusion, Examples & Tutorials
- Comments (4)
For some of my more recent projects I've needed to integrate FCKEditor into the system, and while FCKEditor is great, it lacks the ability to easily specify a custom upload path, other then through the configuration files. I didn't find a way around that, but I did find a way to to get FCKEditor to support multiple, dynamic file locations. Click More read on.
My situation is this: in the project users can use FCKEditor to upload files to the /uploads/ folder of their site, for example's upload path is FCK Editor is designed to handle this, and it can be setup by going to fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/cfm/config.cfm and setting your Config.ServerPathvalue:
// Use this to force the server path if FCKeditor is not running directly off
// the root of the application or the FCKeditor directory in the URL is a virtual directory
// or a symbolic link / junction
Config.ServerPath= "";
Very simple. The wrinkle is that in my application, the editor runs in one location, while the files can be stored in multiple locations. For example, if the editor is located at, the actual uploads might be at,, and This is a situation that FCKEditor doesn't handle so well.
The key to solving this problem is that FCKEditor's configuration is loaded each time you create an instance of that information. That means if you make the configuration rely on a dynamic value that is set on each page load, and FCKEditor will get that new information each time. So if we go back to our config.cfm file, we can set the following:
Config.ServerPath = "#session.sitepath#\uploads\";
And as long as we update the session.sitepath value before creating the FCKEditor instance, the system will remain up to date. We have to use the session scope for this value because FCKEditor spawns the actual file browser in a separate window, and so variables and request scope just won't cut it. We could have used a cookie, but then we'd have server path info running around in use cookies, and that just wont do.
Now, we have our config.cfm ready to accept dynamic values, lets show how to use it:
<!--- Set this value dynamically --->
<cfset session.sitepath = "\\server\websites\\" />
value='<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>'
Just set session.sitepath equal to the value for the site you are working with, and you'll find that your editor browsers there quite nicely. Still one problem though: FCKEditor builds all links to be relative to the Config.UserFilesPath value from your config.cfm file. This means that even if you are looking at, all the links will be made to "/uploads/", which will resolve to To make this dynamic, we are going to have to apply the same technique as before. Update your config.cfm file to look like this:
// Path to uploaded files relative to the document root.
Config.UserFilesPath = "#session.urlpath#/uploads/" ;
// Use this to force the server path if FCKeditor is not running directly off
// the root of the application or the FCKeditor directory in the URL is a virtual directory
// or a symbolic link / junction
Config.ServerPath= "#session.sitepath#\uploads\";
And then update our FCKEditor declaration:
<!--- Set these values dynamically --->
<cfset session.sitepath = "\\server\websites\\test\site\" />
<cfset session. urlpath = "/test/site" />
value='<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>'
After this, it should generate links relative to your actual site.
Great article. The problem I'm having is that the fckEditor is in a directory that I map to virtually in IIS. Therefore, the config.cfm file can't use the Session variable I set.
Any ideas?
XML request error: Internal server Error(500)
In the ROOT CAUSE it is writing:-
java.util.MissingResourceException : Can't find the resource key "CfmServlet.accessDenied" in base name coldfuion/
Can you please suggest me a way to get out of this mess
It sounds like perhaps you've updated your installation with a hotfix (if this problem just showed up), or perhaps the security on your server was changed. I hope that helps.